Peake Social Top Tracer Golf League Week 1

Golf League in Annapolis for Adults

Hey Everyone!

The Top Tracer Golf League starts tonight! Tee time is 7pm, you can arrive up to 15 minutes early to practice.

Note: There will be no games next Monday, July 4th.

Reminder on how it works:

  • Teams consist of 3-4 players and will be paired against another team each night (except for the finale).

  • You will all play 9 holes of the same course each week.

  • One large bucket of balls will be provided and additional balls for practice may be purchased.

  • Teams will record the two lowest scores from each hole and at least one score from each player must be used twice. You cannot go back and change an earlier hole's recorded score/player so choose wisely.

  • The maximum score for a hole is twice the par.

Please download the TopTracer app on your phone beforehand. Apple Store link and Google Play link.

See you all tonight!

-Peake Social


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