Peake Social Tennis week 2

Tennis League in Annapolis for Adults

Hey everyone!

We are moving right along into week 2 of tennis! We understand there are different rates of play, so get through as many games/sets as you can. If you don’t play a full match, that’s fine!

Schedules are on the leagueapps site, and can be found by clicking the “Tennis Info “ button below! There will also be posted on the courts, as we had some last minute adjustments for teams being out.

**Please record the scores on the schedule posted at the courts!**

For those of you who didn’t make it last week, courts are at Annapolis Area Christian School, 109 Burns Crossing Road Severn, MD 21144. An aerial map is below- you can continue on past the first parking area on your left, and park closer to the courts.

**Reminder everyone should bring their own tennis racquet.**

Tennis Rules are listed on the leagueapps site, and can be found here.

Scoring Summary:

  • A game is played until a player scores four points (more on the point system below).

  • A set is group of games, played until a player wins 4 games (Best of 7).

  • A match is played to a best of 3 sets.

  1. Sets are won by the first team to win four (4) games (Best of 7 games).

  2. Matches are won by the team that wins two (2) sets first (Best of 3 sets).

  3. Home team will pick to serve first or choose which side they prefer to play.

Point System:

  • 0 points= Love

  • 1 point = 15

  • 2 points= 30

  • 3 points= 40

  • Tied score= All

  • 40-40 = Deuce

  • Server wins deuce point = Ad-In

  • Receiver wins deuce point = Ad-Out

Please let us know if you have any questions!

-Peake Social


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