Peake Social Soccer week 5
Hey everyone,
Tomorrow is our last regular season game! It’s going to be a hot one, so bring lots of water!
Would you be kind enough to kick us a review on Google if you have enjoyed this league? Many thanks in advance!
Playoff Schedule
Playoffs will be 6/4/22 and 6/11/22. Note we will be skipping Memorial Day Weekend:
Week 1 (6/4/22) Everyone plays
1 vs 6
2 vs 5
3 vs 4
Week 2 (6/11/22) Remaining Seeds
2nd lowest seed vs lowest seed (Semi-finals)
Highest seed vs winner above (Championship)
**We ask the winning team in each league to choose a non-profit of their choice; and we will make a donation in the team’s name. So start thinking about that as we get ready to move into the playoffs soon!
See you all tomorrow!
-Peake Social