Peake Social Pickleball πŸ“ WEEK 3

Pickleball League in Annapolis for Adults

Hey everyone!

Week 3 is tonight! We will be asking everyone tonight their thoughts on the rainout games. We will either play double headers, or we can extend a week. So talk to your partner to get an idea of what your team would like to do!

Everyone plays at 7pm! Schedules will be posted at the courts.

Pickleball rules are listed on the leagueapps site, and can be found here.

Games and Scoring

  • All matches will be self-refereed.

  • Rock, paper, scissors will decide who gets first serve.

  • Points are scored only by the serving team.

  • Matches will consist of three games played to 11 points, teams must win by 2.

    • If a team wins the first two games, teams should still play the third and final game.

  • Record the total number of games won on the schedule sheet before you leave!

See you tonight!

-Peake Social


Peake Social Summer Kickball WEEK 3


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