Peake Social Kickball WEEK 5

Kickball League in Annapolis for Adults

Hey Everyone!

Excited to see you all tonight! There is a little chance for rain but if it is only a drizzle as predicted, we’re on. Cleats are always a good idea!

Host Bar: McGarvey’s Saloon is the featured bar tonight. They will have $20 WhiteClaw bucket specials!

A few notes:

  • The Noah Hillman garage downtown is closed for a rebuild; we don’t expect parking to be an issue after 7pm on a Wednesday.

  • Weather permitting, we plan to start week one of playoffs on 5/18 and have the second and final week on 6/1. Games will not be played the week of Blue Angels/Commissioning Week 5/25.


  • BE KIND! Deviating from the golden rule may result in ejections.

  • This is a social league, but please be mindful of your beverages. Bring cups and/or koozies for your drinks. We don’t want any issues with the city and potentially lose use of the fields. Please walk in with your “beverages” in coolers too!

  • Players must run to the orange base to the right of 1st and home plate, the outfield team must tag the white base. No warnings this week, you will be called out.

  • The only person that should be talking to a ref about a call is the captain.

Full rules here: Kickball Rules.

See you all this evening, and May the 4th be with you!

-Peake Social


Peake Social Kickball Regular Season Finale


Peake Social Cornhole🕳️ WEEK 5