Cornhole League🕳️ Week 2!
Hey Everyone,
With the cold weather, we’re moving into the Grand Ballroom, but you can leave your ballgowns at home. Don’t worry, the tables will be cleared out so there will be plenty of space. You can access the Ballroom by going through the Annapolis Waterfront Hotel and taking elevators upstairs or from the back stairs off the dock.
Games start at 7pm followed by 7:45pm and 8:30pm time slots. If you don’t get through all your games in the allotted time, you can just report the scores as they stand after 45 minutes of play- no big deal, we’re here to have fun!
Next week is a BYE WEEK to accommodate other events at Pusser’s. The full schedule will be up later this week for the remainder of the season.
The bar will be cash only upstairs. You can use your credit card at the downstairs bar, and there is an ATM downstairs as well. Along with the full bar, Pusser’s will have hotdogs and hamburgers available! Specials are $3 Miller Lites and $5 Captain Morgan specials. Again, you are all welcome to come and hangout anytime between 7-9pm regardless of your game time! Friends and family are welcome to hang out as well.
Rule reminders below:
Players on each team will stand on opposite sides, each team will have 4 bags each. Teams who have more than 2 players may rotate, please keep rate of play in mind.
First toss is decided by rock, paper, scissors- may the odds be ever in your favor.
Opponents alternate tossing the bags until all 8 bags have been thrown.
Bags may be knocked off the board or in the hole by other tossed bags.
The last team to score on a previous round will shoot first in the next round.
The thrower must stand behind the front edge of the cornhole board. They can toss from either side of the board.
Teams will play a total of 3 games. If there is time left over, teams can continue to play for fun.
No gender rules.
Standard bags are provided, so no to bringing your own.
Teams will play 3 games each night.
First team to get to 21 points or go over, wins the game- you do not need exactly 21.
3 points for a bag in the hole and 1 point for a bag on the board.
Cancelation scoring is in effect. For example, if Team A gets 5 points and Team B gets 3 points in the same throwing round, the score for that round will be 2 points for Team A.
Bags that bounce on the ground and then onto the board should be removed.
Bags leaning on or getting support from the ground will not count as a point.
Scores of each team's win/loss totals are self-reported to Peake Social Staff- don't leave without reporting your score!
-Peake Social